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The STRATA-FIT consortium aims to identify and stratify „difficult-to-treat“ (D2T) RA patients using computational models. Through inflammation markers and personalized treatment strategies, it seeks to improve treatment and potentially prevent D“T-RA development in early-stage patients. Establishing a European Learning Healthcare System with privacy-protected learning infrastructure will harness collective expertise and reduce the burden of RA.

Squeeze Consortium

This consortium focuses on optimizing the use of already available therapeutics in rheumatoid arthritis. Member of our research group are involved in dissecting the value of the Torque Teno Virus for functional drug monitoring and models of care to derive management pathways that can be implemented in clinical practice.


The Cotidiana project is funded by AAL and locally executed via the FFG. It is a multinational research consortium combining academic and industry partners to develop and validate a digital health platform integrating active patient reported and passive sensoring data directly linked to the rheumatologist. This project is undertaken together with the Institute of Outcomes Research of the MUV.