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Chronic inflammatory bowel disease

In addition, for patients with more active courses of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, a separate IBD study outpatient clinic is operated. Here, an average of 10 studies with new, not yet approved drugs are offered in order to improve the therapy options, especially in severe, often therapy-resistant courses. If interested, appointments can be made here either by telephone or by e-mail. 

Ao.Univ.Prof.Dr.Walter Reinisch


Ao.Univ.Prof.Dr.Gottfried Novacek

  • Prof.Dr. Lili Kazemi-Shirazi
  • Dr. Christian Primas
  • Dr. Philipp Schreiner
  • Dr. Karin Wisniowski
  • Patrick Schreiner (Study Coordinator)
  • Manuel Schmale (Study Coordinator)
  • DGKP Elisabeth Winkler (Study Nurse)
  • DGKP Tobias Mooslechner (Study Nurse)

Erreichbarkeit: Leitstelle 7i, Roter Bettenturm

Terminvereinbarung unter: Tel.: +43 (0)1 40400-62450
oder E-Mail:

Ambulanzzeit: Montag bis Freitag nach Terminvereinbarung