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Mentoring programs

Below you can find general information about our mentoring programs:

Senior Mentoring programm

Since 2009, the Medical University of Vienna has had a successful Senior Mentoring program, in which over 4000 students have already participated. The Medical University of Vienna offers its students from the 2nd year of study the opportunity to participate in the Senior Mentoring program.

As part of the teaching activities, members of our department are also involved in mentoring programs. For more information, click on the button below.

Junior Mentoring program

In the academic year 2018/2019, the Medical University of Vienna started a new project with Junior Mentoring, thus expanding the mentoring offer for students by another important component.

In contrast to Senior Mentoring, Junior Mentoring is available to all students from the 1st semester. The mentoring role is taken over by students of higher semesters. Regular meetings focus on a lively exchange of ideas and opinions, individual development, and networking between students from different years.