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PD Dr. Philipp Schreiner

Senior Physician


Accessibility: Checkpoint 7i, red bed building

Appointment: Phone.: +43 (0)1 40400-47500
or E-Mail:

Business hours: Monday to Friday by appointment 

During the ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity (abdomen), all organs are examined, whereby the focus in our department is on the liver, gall bladder, bile ducts and pancreas.

For special questions, the intestine and stomach are also examined, especially for initial and follow-up examinations in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis). In these cases, ultrasound serves as a valuable complementary method to endoscopy (gastroscopy, colonoscopy), but cannot replace it.

In principle, the method does not cause any pain; in places that were already painful before, the short-term pressure from the transducer is of course felt as unpleasant.

For planned examinations you should be fasting (details under "Preparation for ultrasound examination"), in acute cases (e.g. jaundice, pain) the examination will be attempted despite the less than ideal conditions before other methods are used.