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Referrer information

Dear colleagues,

Please fill out a "Clinical Order Form" (KLAT) in AKIM for every endoscopic examination for which an indication has been made in AKH (regardless of whether it is outpatient or inpatient).

If you send an inpatient for an endoscopic examination, we ask you to place a functioning large-lumen venflon in advance (preferably on the right arm for ERCP), to give the patient the signed and completed information sheet, and to provide all necessary findings (especially blood count, blood coagulation, blood group).

Patients who have been informed on an outpatient basis require a signed and completed information sheet and appropriate preparation (see patient information).

If your patients are taking anticoagulants, insulin or antibiotics, please discuss the procedure in good time and switch to alternative medication if necessary. Patients should take their antihypertensive medication in the morning before the examination.

Accessibility for colleagues in the house:

During the day, we can also be reached via the function pager 81-6444. During night duty, the endoscopy service can be reached via pager 81-4904.

Accessibility for colleagues outside AKH and outside regular duty hours:

It is recommended to contact us via our two wards

21K: Phone: +43 (0)1 40400-47920
21H: Phone: +43 (0)1 40400-47520