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Project Management Team - Grants, Research and Communication

Our team supports, optimizes, and manages the administration of research projects at the Division of Rheumatology

1- International & National Grants Project Management

One key component of our work is the continuous management of several EU Research Grants that the Division of Rheumatology is either a member or an administrator of. Our work ensures the financial management of grants, the timely submission of deliverables, the facilitation of exchanges between partners and the detection of potential issues arising.

We helped to the elaboration and are now managing the administration of SQUEEZE, an ambitious Horizon Europe-funded Grant led by our division, which runs from 2022 to 2027. SQUEEZE is a consortium of 13 research centers, hospitals and SMEs from eight European countries who aim to improve the efficacy, safety and satisfaction with existing therapies for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients. SQUEEZE Website | SQUEEZE Introductory video

We are also administrating the participation of our Division as a key member of two additional Horizon Europe Consortia: STRATA-FIT (from 2023 to 2029) and DARK MATTER (from 2024 to 2029).

In addition, to managing ongoing EU projects, our team supports the writing and submission of new Grant applications to various European or National organizations and calls such as Horizon Europe, Hop-on facility, Innovative Health Initiative (IHI), FWF, FFG, WWTF or LBGI.

2- Project management practices, portfolio of research, communication

Our team has theoretical and practical knowledge in project management methodologies and uses a panel of tools and software to maintain the highest possible standards in project management for all the researchers of the Division.

We also strive to maintain a positive and dynamic communication between all the researchers by building and moderating communication tools (Slack, Newsletters, Organigram), organizing meetings and annual recesses, and maintaining an inclusive and online-accessible research projects portfolio. Finally, our team promotes the public relations (PR) of the Division by building and managing its websites, social media presence and by participating to networking events.

3- Support and coordination for EU-wide Clinical Trials & bioethics

Our team supports physicians and clinicians from the Division with administrative tasks required for the legal & bioethical validation of clinical trials. We are facilitating the communication with our legal department, bioethical committees and our trial co-sponsors to ensure timely validation and execution of clinical trials.

Team Members

As of January 2024.

Daniela Sieghart, PhD

Lead Project Manager

François Bonnay, PhD

Lead Project Manager

Caroline Dürrschmid, MSc BSc

Junior Project Manager

Our achievements